The “big deal” is that is connects the internet to the highest energy use appliance within your home your HVAC system. This means it has the biggest ability to impact your energy consumption on a per home basis. With tools like Rush Hour Rewards  (Support) it allows the nest thermostat to communicate with the demand signal from utilities to decrease usage when the grid is strained the most. Connecting nest to IFTTT (Put the internet to work for you.) also allows you to connect the thermostat to other triggers such as you leaving work to heat or cool your home to a comfortable temperature automatically.  Lastly it makes life more comfortable, if you have ever woken up  in the middle of the night hot or cold it’s nice to be able to reach over to the bed stand and turn down the heat. Yeah it seems silly but you will sleep much better when you can control your indoor temperature based on your body temperature while lying in bed. You can read more about our thoughts on the nest thermostat and home automation at our Greenfii Blog (Page on